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Last update:
1 structure change including:
1 Addition
Added 1
PATCH /salesorders/{id}
7 structure changes including:
7 Additions
Added 7
GET /bankaccounts
GET /bankaccounts/{id}
GET /banktransactions
GET /banktransactions/{bankTransactionReference}
POST /bankaccounts
POST /bankaccounts/{id}/balances
POST /banktransactions
1 structure change including:
1 Breaking change
1 Removal
Removed 1 Breaking
PATCH /salesorders/{id}
  • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before
13 structure changes including:
12 Additions
1 Modification
Modified 1
GET /customers
  • Query
  • modifiedFrom, createdFrom, sortBy query parameters Added
Added 12
GET /salesorders
GET /salesorders/{id}
GET /salesorders/{id}/lines
GET /salesorders/{id}/lines/{lineId}
GET /salestypes
GET /salestypes/{id}
GET /taxes
GET /taxes/{id}
PATCH /salesorders/{id}
PATCH /salesorders/{id}/lines/{lineId}
POST /salesorders
POST /salesorders/{id}/lines
4 structure changes including:
4 Additions
Added 4
GET /accountbalances
GET /accountbalances/{id}
GET /accounts
GET /accounts/{id}
14 structure changes including:
11 Additions
3 Modifications
Modified 3 Breaking
GET /customers/{id}
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • address property Modified
PATCH /customers/{id}
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • address property Modified
      • postal property Modified
        • VisitAddress alternative Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • PostalAddress alternative Added
      • billing property Modified
        • VisitAddress alternative Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • BillingAddress alternative Added
      • delivery property Modified
        • VisitAddress alternative Removed
          • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


        • DeliveryAddress alternative Added
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • address property Modified
POST /customers
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • object-1 alternative Modified
      • address property Modified
    • object-2 alternative Modified
      • address property Modified
  • Response
  • 201 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • address property Modified
Added 11
DELETE /productcategories/{id}
DELETE /products/{id}
GET /productcategories
GET /productcategories/{id}
GET /products
GET /products/{id}
GET /productunits
PATCH /productcategories/{id}
PATCH /products/{id}
POST /productcategories
POST /products
4 structure changes including:
4 Modifications
Modified 4 Breaking
GET /customers
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
GET /customers/{id}
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • id property Modified
        • Type went from number to integer(int32)


      • address property Modified
PATCH /customers/{id}
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • address property Modified
      • postal property Modified
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • id property Modified
        • Type went from number to integer(int32)


      • address property Modified
POST /customers
  • Response
  • 201 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • id property Modified
        • Type went from number to integer(int32)


      • address property Modified