Read a sales order by ID

GET /salesorders/{id}

Read details of a specific sales order identified by its unique ID.


Path parameters

  • id integer(int32) Required

    A unique identifier for the sales order within 24SevenOffice ERP.


  • OK

    Hide headers attributes Show headers attributes
    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id number

      A unique identifier for the sales order within 24SevenOffice ERP.

    • customer object

      Customer details for the sales order. Note that the customer object for the /salesOrders endpoint is not the same as the customer that can be retrieved from the /customers endpoint, even though both share the same ID reference and their schemas are similar. The customer object in the context of /salesOrders contains the customer details as they were at the time the sales order was created. In contrast, the /customers endpoint always provides the latest state values for the customer properties.

      Hide customer attributes Show customer attributes object
      • id number

        A unique identifier for the customer within 24SevenOffice CRM.

      • The organization number issued by authorities, like a VAT number, of the customer if the customer is a company.

        Maximum length is 20.

      • gln string

        The Global Location Number (GLN) for the customer.

        Minimum length is 13, maximum length is 13.

      • name string

        The customer name as it appears on the sales order and an invoice associated with the sales order.

        Maximum length is 200.

      • street string

        The street for the address. Can contain a street name, building and apartment number, a PO box number, or similar.

        Maximum length is 250.

      • The postal code for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The postal area for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • city string

        The city for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The geographical subdivision for the address, like a county ("fylke" in Norway) or a state.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The two-letter country code for the address, as in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

        Maximum length is 2.

    • status string

      Current status of the sales order.

      Values are Draft, Proposal, Confirmed, Invoice, or AdvanceInvoice.

    • Delivery details for the sales order.

      Hide deliveryCustomer attributes Show deliveryCustomer attributes object
      • id number

        A unique identifier for the customer within 24SevenOffice CRM.

      • name string

        A human-readable name or label for a customer, making it easily identifiable to users.

        Maximum length is 250.

      • street string

        The street for the address. Can contain a street name, building and apartment number, a PO box number, or similar.

        Maximum length is 250.

      • The postal code for the address.

        Maximum length is 16.

      • The postal area for the address.

        Maximum length is 200.

      • city string

        The city name for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The geographical subdivision for the address, like a county ("fylke" in Norway) or a state.

        Maximum length is 100.

      • The two-letter country code for the address, as in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

        Maximum length is 2.

    • invoice object

      Details of an invoice associated with a sales order.

      Hide invoice attributes Show invoice attributes object
      • number integer(int32)

        A unique number for the invoice within 24SevenOffice ERP.

      • date string(date)

        The date when the invoice was issued.

      • dueDate string(date)

        The due date by which the invoice must be paid.

      • A reference number for the invoice used for remittance purposes, like "KID"-number in Norway, or OCR.

      • Details of the transaction associated with the invoice.

        Hide transaction attribute Show transaction attribute object
        • id string(guid)

          A unique identifier for the transaction within 24SevenOffice ERP.

    • date string(date)

      The date when the sales order was issued.

    • An internal memo for the sales order.

      Maximum length is 300.

    • memo string

      A memo or comments for the sales order.

    • The sales type for the sales order.

      Hide salesType attribute Show salesType attribute object
      • id number

        The unique identifier for the sales type. A negative value stands for a system-defined ID.

    • createdAt string(date-time)

      A timestamp for when a record was created, in ISO 8601 format.

    • modifiedAt string(date-time)

      A timestamp for when one of the properties of a record was last modified, in ISO 8601 format.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id number

      A unique identifier for the sales order within 24SevenOffice ERP.

    • customer object

      Customer details for the sales order. Note that the customer object for the /salesOrders endpoint is not the same as the customer that can be retrieved from the /customers endpoint, even though both share the same ID reference and their schemas are similar. The customer object in the context of /salesOrders contains the customer details as they were at the time the sales order was created. In contrast, the /customers endpoint always provides the latest state values for the customer properties.

      Hide customer attributes Show customer attributes object
      • id number

        A unique identifier for the customer within 24SevenOffice CRM.

      • The organization number issued by authorities, like a VAT number, of the customer if the customer is a company.

        Maximum length is 20.

      • gln string

        The Global Location Number (GLN) for the customer.

        Minimum length is 13, maximum length is 13.

      • name string

        The customer name as it appears on the sales order and an invoice associated with the sales order.

        Maximum length is 200.

      • street string

        The street for the address. Can contain a street name, building and apartment number, a PO box number, or similar.

        Maximum length is 250.

      • The postal code for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The postal area for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • city string

        The city for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The geographical subdivision for the address, like a county ("fylke" in Norway) or a state.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The two-letter country code for the address, as in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

        Maximum length is 2.

    • status string

      Current status of the sales order.

      Values are Draft, Proposal, Confirmed, Invoice, or AdvanceInvoice.

    • Delivery details for the sales order.

      Hide deliveryCustomer attributes Show deliveryCustomer attributes object
      • id number

        A unique identifier for the customer within 24SevenOffice CRM.

      • name string

        A human-readable name or label for a customer, making it easily identifiable to users.

        Maximum length is 250.

      • street string

        The street for the address. Can contain a street name, building and apartment number, a PO box number, or similar.

        Maximum length is 250.

      • The postal code for the address.

        Maximum length is 16.

      • The postal area for the address.

        Maximum length is 200.

      • city string

        The city name for the address.

        Maximum length is 50.

      • The geographical subdivision for the address, like a county ("fylke" in Norway) or a state.

        Maximum length is 100.

      • The two-letter country code for the address, as in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

        Maximum length is 2.

    • invoice object

      Details of an invoice associated with a sales order.

      Hide invoice attributes Show invoice attributes object
      • number integer(int32)

        A unique number for the invoice within 24SevenOffice ERP.

      • date string(date)

        The date when the invoice was issued.

      • dueDate string(date)

        The due date by which the invoice must be paid.

      • A reference number for the invoice used for remittance purposes, like "KID"-number in Norway, or OCR.

      • Details of the transaction associated with the invoice.

        Hide transaction attribute Show transaction attribute object
        • id string(guid)

          A unique identifier for the transaction within 24SevenOffice ERP.

    • date string(date)

      The date when the sales order was issued.

    • An internal memo for the sales order.

      Maximum length is 300.

    • memo string

      A memo or comments for the sales order.

    • The sales type for the sales order.

      Hide salesType attribute Show salesType attribute object
      • id number

        The unique identifier for the sales type. A negative value stands for a system-defined ID.

    • createdAt string(date-time)

      A timestamp for when a record was created, in ISO 8601 format.

    • modifiedAt string(date-time)

      A timestamp for when one of the properties of a record was last modified, in ISO 8601 format.

    • Hide _embedded attribute Show _embedded attribute object
      • lines array[object]
        Hide lines attributes Show lines attributes object
        • id number

          The unique identifier for the sales order line item within 24SevenOffice ERP.

        • type string

          A specification for the type of the line item, whether this is a product or a text entry.

          Values are product or text.

        • product object

          Product details, if the line item type is 'product'. Note that the product object for the /salesorders/{id}/lines endpoint is not the same as the product that can be retrieved from the /products endpoint, even though both share the same ID reference and their schemas are similar. The product object in the context of /salesorders/{id}/lines contains the product details as they were at the time the sales order line item was created. In contrast, the /products endpoint always provides the latest state values for the product properties.

          Hide product attribute Show product attribute object
          • id number

            A unique identifier for the product within 24SevenOffice ERP-modules.

        • A description for the line item.

          Minimum length is 1, maximum length is 300.

        • quantity number

          The quantity of the product in the line item.

        • price number

          The price of a single unit of the product in the line item.

        • The discount rate applied to the line item, expressed as a whole number. For example, a discount rate of 10% is represented as 10.

          Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

        • tax object

          Details for the tax applied to the line item.

          Hide tax attributes Show tax attributes object
          • id number

            A unique identifier for the tax code within 24SevenOffice ERP modules, associated with the line item.

          • number integer(int32)

            The tax code reference number visible for users.

          • rate number

            The tax rate percentage, expressed as a whole number. For example, a tax rate of 25% is represented as 25.

            Minimum value is 0, maximum value is 100.

        • account object

          Details for the account to which the sale is posted.

          Hide account attributes Show account attributes object
          • id number

            A unique identifier for the account within 24SevenOffice accounting module.

          • number integer(int32)

            The unique number that indicates which type of account it belongs to.

          • name string

            The human-readable name that describes the purpose or nature of the account.

            Maximum length is 75.

GET /salesorders/{id}
curl \
 -X GET{id} \
 -H "Authorization: string"
Response examples (200)
# Headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: string
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: string
X-Trace-Id: string

# Payload
  "id": 1234,
  "customer": {
    "id": 12345,
    "organizationNumber": "123456789",
    "gln": "1234567890123",
    "name": "ABC Corporation",
    "street": "Hovedgata 1",
    "postalCode": "0123",
    "postalArea": "Fornebu",
    "city": "Fornebu",
    "countrySubdivision": "Viken",
    "countryCode": "NO"
  "status": "Invoice",
  "deliveryCustomer": {
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "ABC Corporation",
    "street": "Hovedgata 1",
    "postalCode": "0123",
    "postalArea": "Fornebu",
    "city": "Fornebu",
    "countrySubdivision": "Viken",
    "countryCode": "NO"
  "invoice": {
    "number": 123,
    "date": "2023-06-01",
    "dueDate": "2023-06-15",
    "remittanceReference": "ABC12345",
    "transaction": {
      "id": "63293496-884f-4358-b489-f641fe51cdaa"
  "date": "2023-06-01",
  "internalMemo": "Customer requested special packaging.",
  "memo": "Urgent delivery.",
  "salesType": {
    "id": 10
  "createdAt": "2023-06-01T12:00:00Z",
  "modifiedAt": "2023-06-02T15:30:00Z"
Response examples (200)
# Headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: string
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: string
X-Trace-Id: string

# Payload
  "id": 1234,
  "customer": {
    "id": 12345,
    "organizationNumber": "123456789",
    "gln": "1234567890123",
    "name": "ABC Corporation",
    "street": "Hovedgata 1",
    "postalCode": "0123",
    "postalArea": "Fornebu",
    "city": "Fornebu",
    "countrySubdivision": "Viken",
    "countryCode": "NO"
  "status": "Invoice",
  "deliveryCustomer": {
    "id": 12345,
    "name": "ABC Corporation",
    "street": "Hovedgata 1",
    "postalCode": "0123",
    "postalArea": "Fornebu",
    "city": "Fornebu",
    "countrySubdivision": "Viken",
    "countryCode": "NO"
  "invoice": {
    "number": 123,
    "date": "2023-06-01",
    "dueDate": "2023-06-15",
    "remittanceReference": "ABC12345",
    "transaction": {
      "id": "63293496-884f-4358-b489-f641fe51cdaa"
  "date": "2023-06-01",
  "internalMemo": "Customer requested special packaging.",
  "memo": "Urgent delivery.",
  "salesType": {
    "id": 10
  "createdAt": "2023-06-01T12:00:00Z",
  "modifiedAt": "2023-06-02T15:30:00Z",
  "_embedded": {
    "lines": [
        "id": 1,
        "type": "product",
        "product": {
          "id": 101
        "description": "Leather handbag with adjustable strap.",
        "quantity": 2,
        "price": 49.99,
        "discountRate": 10,
        "tax": {
          "id": 1,
          "number": 1,
          "rate": 25
        "account": {
          "id": 200001,
          "number": 1500,
          "name": "Accounts Receivable"